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Vistage - MiER

4Q2022 Muted Confidence Based On Survey Prior To GE15

By January 1, 2023November 8th, 2023No Comments

Muted Confidence Based On Survey Prior To GE15

CEOs are increasingly concerned over the economy and prospects of their firms going forward as risks of a global slowdown continue to weigh on their sentiments and confidence. This is reflected in the Vistage-MIER CEO Confidence Index (CCI) which plummeted 11.7 points quarter-on-quarter to 92.5 in 4Q2022. Not only has the CCI descended for the second consecutive quarter, but it has also dipped below the 100-point optimism threshold for the first time since 4Q2021, a sign that CEOs are low in spirits and confidence as 2022 comes to an end.

For the full report, please contact us at or call 03-21420091/5895/5897

4Q2022 Vistage MIER CEO Confidence Index Report